Welcome to the updated
EADSM website!
Our goal remains to engage dentists, physicians, health care providers, students, and the public, with sleep disorders.
On the site we will share information about the benefits of early diagnosis of the most prevalent sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, snoring, restless legs, insomnia, and the multiple benefits evidence-based treatment can have for the quality of life of patients, their families and their communities.

The EADSM aspires to be a leading voice for public awareness, finding sleep qualified health professionals, and education for healthcare professionals and the public alike.
Enjoy the website! We sincerely hope to guide you and give you the tools you need.
Warmest Regards,
Susana Falardo
EADSM President

Annual meeting of the EADSM together with the 7th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Dental Sleep Medicine. Visit the SEMDES website for more information.

Become an expert
Dentists that know how and when to safely prescribe mandibular repositioning devices are in high demand.
This is your opportunity to become a sought after dental sleep medicine expert in your country – and perhaps on a wider stage.

EADSM – our fantastic sponsors
Gold Sponsors:

Silver sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors

Ready to get started?
Join the EADSM today!