Maintain EADSM Qualified Sleep Dentist and Board Diplomate Accreditation

accreditation EADSM


Dental sleep professionals awarded the EADSM Accreditation or EADSM Expert enter a 5-year cycle to maintain the EADSM Accredited status. They must fulfil the following requirements during this cycle:

  • Via email, proof of continued professional development in the field of DSM must be provided at the end of each 5 year cycle:
    • attendance during the cycle of at least 3 dental sleep medicine meetings,
    • two (2) of which must be EADSM meetings
    • one (1) of which may be organised by a national (dental) sleep society



Once EADSM Accreditation or EADSM Expert status is granted, your membership will be transformed into the EADSM Accredited membership. However, you are requested to provide proof of your continued professional development in dental sleep medicine, by submitting e.g. prove of attendance of meetings, via email.

If you are not yet EADSM accredited, subscribe now for the EADSM Accreditation or EADSM Expert exam.

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